Vision, Mission & Values


We are building a world where people have meaningful lives of their own choosing within their communities. We partner with people, organizations, and systems to lay the foundations for transformational change


To work in partnership to create communities where all persons:​

  • Live surrounded and supported by strong meaningful relationships
  • Have control over the resources available to support them
  • Contribute to their community through their gifts and talents
  • Have access to support agencies that demonstrate respect by truly listening
  • Communities where large systems work collaboratively to support this vision


We continually seek to deliver services which:

  • Promote the dignity of all people
  • Are effective, useful and make a difference
  • Impact all levels of the system

We practice what we ask others to do:

  • Continuously seek to learn and act on what we have learned.
  • Work in partnerships with each other and those who hire us.
  • Base all interactions on an abiding respect for the value of all people.

We act as good stewards by

  • providing value to our customers
  • efficiently and effectively managing our resources, including time, materials and funds
  • We work hard to earn the trust of our customers and all people whom our work impacts.